Life Vests & Accessories

Best range of Aviation Life Vests

Our Switlik Aviation Life Vests will give you years of use and protection. Switlik are known worldwide as a manufacturer of the highest quality safety and survival products for the aviation and military markets. We have options to suit any situation. If you are unsure what vest is best for you, give the Red Baron ALSE team a call today.

Our range of Vests are all CASA approved and meet the required testing results. Other approvals can be found at:

Highest quality Aviation Life Vests available online in Australia

Red Baron ALSE stocks the largest range of Aviation Life Vests online in Australia. Tourist operators and families alike value the All Pax Vest, whereas GA pilots choose our Aviator Pilot and Passenger Vest.

On the other hand you may be from a larger company that requires the comfort of the X-Back Aircrew and Molle Vests.

In addition to our range of Vests we also supply accessories designed to fit our X-Back Molle and X-Back Molle+. Click on the link for information on how to ensure you are wearing your Switlik Passenger & Crew Constant wear vest correctly.

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